There’s a hole in our aspen

There’s a hole in our aspen

Even though we’re leaving, Gregory School has had a lot of fun. This is what the Kick Aspen research group (mentored by Pacifica) has done so far:

1. As part of our research on the ages of Douglas firs and aspen trees, we bored holes in giant aspen trees with a special drill to remove a pencil-thin piece of wood so we could count all the rings to determine their ages. One tree was 122 years old, and the other was 164 years old.

2. Our research group had found some of the largest aspen trees we have ever seen, some so big we could not wrap our arms all the way around them.

3. Several of our group members fell on the steep slopes, but the group worked as a team helped them back up.

4. We kicked aspen presenting our research last night!

Measuring a really large aspen tree.
Demonstrating the use of the special drill (increment borer) on a Douglas fir
Demonstrating the use of the special drill (increment borer) on a Douglas fir