Effective presentations introduction

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Effective inquiry presentations


Benjamin Blonder


Introduce students to several aspects of effective public speaking and oral presentation


Process Skills

Next Generation Science Standards




  • a sample research poster, prepared badly (e.g. lots of small text, badly labeled figures, no organization, vague research question)


Essential questions

  • What makes a presentation interesting and educational?

Student misconceptions

  • posters should be read verbatim
  • one person in a group should do all the speaking



Step-by-step description

  • ask students to brainstorm people who have to give presentations, and why they give them
  • point out that effective presentations help make impacts, regardless of how good is the content
  • tell students you are going to give a presentation
  • ask them to think throughout about what you could improve in the presentation
  • give a simulated presentation, making sure to forget words, face the poster, read text, speak quietly, etc.
  • afterwards, ask students what could be done better, and ask for explanations of why the change would help
  • give the presentation again but taking into account all suggestions - ask students which they liked better
  • emphasize that the three steps of effective presentations are 1) practice 2) practice 3) practice


Why does it matter?

  • share experiences from grad fellows' lives where presentations did or did not come across effectively

Extensions and/or follow-up activities

  • ask students to later practice presentations in inquiry groups and critique each other before improving presentation style


How will you determine if students “got it”?

  • students will be able to articulate several ways to improve the 'bad' presentation
  • students will give clear and effective presentations during the research symposium


List any websites, texts, or journals to help others better understand the material in order to teach it

  • How to give bad presentations: [1]